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Year Zero

Aug 24, 2023

Rachel and Rose joined me to discuss the project, The Underground Cotillion, that they have been working on. From matchmaking to community building, The Underground Cotillion offers direction for people that are feeling alone and left out of society.

The Underground Cotillion Give-Send-Go


The Marc Clair Show

Aug 19, 2023

Justin returnsa to discuss the FBI shooting in Utah, Social Media social engineering, and Rich Men North of Richmond.

Aug 11, 2023

Spike Cohen joined me to discuss the case of Gastonia, NC working to shut down a church that has been acting as a homeless shelter, and an unsolved murder case in Mississippi.

You Are The Power

The Marc Clair Show


Year Zero YouTube

Libertarian Institute

19 Skills Pdf

Autonomy Course

Critical Thinking Course

Aug 11, 2023

Kyle joined me once again. This time we chat about recent events in life, and the presidential candidates.