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Year Zero

Sep 20, 2021

I asked Quincy, Gord, and Ryan Bunting to join me to discuss the supply chain problems the US is facing and what some of the causes could be.

Quincy Twitter

Gord Twitter

Ryan Bunting Twitter

Libertarian Institute

19 Skills Pdf

Autonomy Course

Critical Thinking Course



Sep 13, 2021

Scott Spaulding and Matthew Hoh joined me to share some of their experiences and observations from their time in Iraq and Afghanistan, and to discuss their opinions on the end of the war.

Why I Am Anti War Twitter

Scott Spaulding Twitter

Semper Fi Fund

Project K-9 Hero

Eisenhower Media

19 Skills Pdf

Autonomy Course

Sep 9, 2021

Josh Smith joined me to talk about the libertarian party, his future in the libertarian party, and arguments against the libertarian party as a solution.

Josh Smith Twitter

Josh Link Tree

Break The Cycle

19 Skills Pdf

Autonomy Course

Critical Thinking Course



Sep 7, 2021

Gord joined me again to bring this bonus episode about what is happening in Australia with the truck driver's strike.

Gord Twitter

19 Skills Pdf

Autonomy Course

Critical Thinking Course

